
Sarah Lindenmayer

Sarah Lindenmayer spent her childhood in whistle-stop railway towns and cane fields of North Queensland, later settling with her family in Brisbane. After graduating with degrees in European History and Russian Literature, she lived and worked in London, Naples, Bordeaux and Cappadocia.

She holds a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Anthropology and Sociology at University of Queensland. Her interest in cultural history, genocide and human character resulted in Debt of Honour, her first book. Sarah is a member of Writers Victoria where she completed a Masterclass with American author, academic and critic Robin Hemley. She supports the Wheeler Centre, the UNESCO Melbourne City of Literature and literary festivals.

She is a social planner by profession, undertaking pro-bono community development projects. And loves camping in the bush, swimming in the sea, cave art, ice cream and bonfires. Sarah treasures her connection with the Assyrian Diaspora Community in Australia, Europe, USA and the Middle East. She lives in Melbourne with her husband.

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